Agrarian Trust

Sign on to Urge Governor Cuomo to Help the Next Generation of Farmers Find Affordable Farmland

A bill to improve access to farmland for beginning farmers has been passed by both houses of the New York State Legislature. Now it is up the Governor to sign it into law. Bill A.7002/S.5377 would require state agencies to inventory farmland owned by state agencies, such as the Department of Corrections and the Office of Mental Health, that could be made available to farmers. This bill would enhance access to this land for farming and take other steps to encourage the state to help facilitate farm transfers and access to land for beginning farmers.  Sign on the attached letter and urge Governor Cuomo to sign bill A. 7002/S. 5377 into law!

Legacy Ridge, protected by OSI and partners including OCLT


Signing on:
If you are a farmer we need to know:
·         your full name
·         the name of your farm, or the farm you are associated with
·         the town the farm is located in
If you are an aspiring farmer not yet on a farm we need to know:
·         Your name
·         Below your signature you will be given the title “Beginning Farmer”
·         The town you live in
If you are an organization we need:
·         name of signatory on behalf of the organization
·         title of signatory
·         name of organization and location of organization headquarters
The letter:
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