Agrarian Trust is securing land for farmers while supporting locally governed land holding entities advancing cultural, ecological, and economic justice.
The Agrarian Commons are designed to hold land in community-centered entities that remain accountable to the community through a board structure that includes farmers, community members and Agrarian Trust representatives. These Agrarian Commons will hold land to convey affordable and equitable leases for the purpose of regenerative farming for secure local food access, ecological sustainability, and community benefit.
Agrarian Commons interrupt patterns of dispossession and land ownership consolidation, by connecting next generation farmers with land tenure and affordable leases.
In June of 2020, the Somali Bantu Community Association toured a prospective 106-acre organic farm in Wales, Maine as part of their journey to find a permanent home for their organization and land security for over 210 families who participate in the SBCA’s Liberation Farms program. The initial funds necessary to secure this land were raised and the land was acquired.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.