Agrarian Trust

Succession and Sustainability

The family farm that passes from generation to generation is what we are trying to plan for with our endeavors, and also to offer solutions for farmers without that time-old tradition. Allred Farm in Ackerly, Texas is keeping it in the family and planning for the future in more ways that one.

From their website:

Allred Farms is a rare entity. We’re more than a family farm. We are farmers, eclectic artisans, activists, mystics, poets, cynics, and naturalists. We start with non-GMO cotton seeds, finishing with a line of clothing we can be proud to market and you can be just as proud to wear. We think of it as a “farm to body experience.” From our farm to your bodies and homes, we take great pride ensuring our cotton is handled with love and care, infusing it with positive energy from the first day the plants see sunshine to the day they are harvested to various stages of manufacturing to the moment we ship the final product directly to you.

Learn more at