
Agrarian Trust

Citizens of a New Nation

A group advocating for the protection of watersheds opens up the philosophy of citizenship to explore a new type of “nation”. From the Rose Coalition of Watershed’s web page.

Rose C.O.W. citizenship is not a legally binding but rather a self-selecting community composed of individuals who place the survival of mother earth as the highest calling of any organization or people that call themselves a society—we, therefore, define ourselves as a nation for the purpose of a common language, which will unite us rather than separate us in the ways prior national boundaries have often done.  We do so with the singular purpose of:

(a)  Healing and supporting the watersheds of our common asset — the peaks and valleys of the Inter-Mountain West;

(b)  Forming this coalition to speak for all those living beings who cannot speak for themselves—the vanishing wild animal kingdom that still survives in Rose C.O.W.

Learn more or become a citizen!