Healing the Land Through Community Collaboration in the Southwest Virginia Agrarian Commons

As the campaign to raise $426,250 to purchase Lick Run Farm gains momentum, the Harvest Collective, a Virginia-based collaborative farming group, is already hard at work preparing Lick Run for its new place in the Southwest Virginia Agrarian Commons. Along with Cam Terry, the head farmer at Garden Variety Harvests, the collective has been mowing grass, laying tarps, and completing small construction projects around the land.
Principles of the Commons

Farmer, permaculturist, and author Tao Orion writes about the commons as a means to land stewardship rooted in reciprocity.
Video: Regenerative Agriculture: What does the land want?

Our founding board member Severine von Tscharner Fleming inspires us to consider the question, “What does the land want?” in her latest talk as a Fellow with the Edmund Hillary Fellowship based in New Zealand.